“From Monday to Friday I wake up at 4:35am and get to the gym for 5:00am. My workouts alternate depending on the day.” – Bryan Desloge Share this quote on Twitter

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Bryan Desloge

What is your morning routine?

From Monday to Friday I wake up at 4:35am and get to the gym for 5:00am. My workouts alternate depending on the day. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I run with the same group I’ve run with for almost fifteen years. We run about 4-6 miles and solve all of the worlds problems along the way.

On Tuesday and Thursday I usually swim or do weight training. On weekends I’m normally up between 5-5:30am.

How long have you stuck with this routine so far?

I’ve followed it for approximately 10-15 years now.

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How has your morning routine changed over recent years?

It depends on travel and my work schedule. I’ve found that regardless of how late I get in, I manage to get to the gym or get out the next morning and just tough it out.

What time do you go to sleep?

In a perfect world 10:00pm. If I see the 11:00pm news it makes for a long day.

Do you use an alarm to wake you up in the morning, and if so do you ever hit the snooze button?

I use my iPhone, which is normally charging across the room. The same Allman Brothers song (Melissa) plays every morning to wake me up.

How soon after waking up do you have breakfast?

I usually eat when I return from the gym; approximately 6:15am or so, unless I have a breakfast meeting.

Do you have a morning workout routine?

As mentioned I swim or run from Monday through Friday. On weekends I’ll bike, run long distance, or participate in one of the local runs.

How about morning meditation?

When I can I attend daily mass at 7:00am.

Do you see to email first thing in the morning or leave it until later in the day?

I skim emails and newspaper headlines when I wait for the gym to open. However I usually don’t start responding, unless it’s critical, until I get to one of my offices, which is between 7-8:00am.

What are your most important tasks in the morning?

Reading the local and national news and looking through my schedule to determine the meetings I’ve got for the day. Asking myself questions along the lines of “If I’m speaking… am I prepared? If I have board meetings… have I prepared?”

What and when is your first drink in the morning?

I take a liter of water with me to the gym in the morning and will usually drink half of it on the way there. Afterwards I start drinking black coffee when I get back home at around 6:00am.

On days you’re not settled in your home, are you able to adapt your routine to fit in with a different environment?

I do my best to stick to a routine; running shoes, and goggles are easy to pack. I’ll hike/bike/walk to adjust if I can.

What do you do if you fail to follow your routine, and how does this influence the rest of your day?

I find if the routine gets disrupted I’ll struggle to get through the day. I’ve found that missing sleep is much less disruptive than missing the early exercise.

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