“My morning routine is constantly evolving as I pick up helpful tips from friends along the way, helping me start each day better than the last.” – Courtney Boyd Myers Share this quote on Twitter

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Courtney Boyd Myers

What is your morning routine?

I try to avoid setting an alarm, preferring to wake up naturally. After all, why should waking up be an alarming experience?

“Naturally” may mean by the sunlight streaming in my window on Powder Mountain, or a noisy siren on St. Marks in Manhattan. But usually it’s around 7:30 or 8:00am when my body has had its 7-8 hours of shuteye.

If I have time, I open buddhify on my iPhone and choose a “Waking up” meditation, which is best listened to while still lying in bed. I’m very cautious not to fall into the trap of checking Instagram, Messenger, Inbox, Telegram, etc.

After 6-10 minutes of waking meditation, I go to the bathroom and splash cold water on my eyes and face, then dry off with a towel. I brush my teeth and tongue, then drink a full glass of room temperature water.

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I like to hit the yoga mat before showering, even if just for five minutes, to stretch out from a night’s sleep and check in with my body. Then it’s shower, smoothie-making, and I’m out the door with my camo print backpack on, ready to conquer the day.

This whole beautiful morning routine is completely thrown to the wind if I’m lucky to have a lover in my bed, but that brings a completely different kind of morning ritual that’s definitely not safe for work.

How long have you stuck with this routine so far?

I’m never stuck in any routine. Instead, my morning routine is constantly evolving as I pick up helpful tips from friends along the way, helping me start each day better than the last.

How has your morning routine changed over recent years?

The whole not checking Instagram, Messenger, or email first thing in the morning was the biggest change I made to my morning routine in the past year. All signs point to how unhealthy and unproductive this habit is; it’s just the worst to receive an irritating email while still lying in bed, and it’s even worse to try and respond! I almost always feel a pang of regret after hitting send.

What time do you go to sleep?

Most nights, I’m asleep by midnight (or I turn into a pumpkin). But every so often, I love catching a good sunrise after a long night of dancing with loved ones.

Do you use an alarm to wake you up in the morning, and if so do you ever hit the snooze button?

No. I once slept in a friend’s bed who hit the snooze button 5-6 times, literally falling back to sleep that many times before finally getting out of bed.

It was awful! I wanted to punch her in the face.

How soon after waking up do you have breakfast, and what do you typically have?

I usually eat breakfast within an hour of waking, or two hours if I work out in the morning. Breakfast is almost always one of my protein-packed, green smoothies on Hustle and Kale!

Do you have a morning workout routine?

I love to work out in the morning so I only have to shower once a day, which seems more efficient. But every day is different depending on meetings and dinner plans.

When I do work out in the morning, I love swimming, yoga, or just playing in the gym with weights. But really, I prefer to count a good romp in the sack as a morning workout routine.

How about morning meditation?

If I’m crashing in Los Angeles, or living with my housemates on Powder Mountain, I love waking up and meditating with friends. Otherwise, I’ll meditate first thing in the morning in my bed or after a workout on my own.

Do you answer email first thing in the morning or leave it until later in the day?

I try and leave email until I’m finished with my morning routine, but often something will need to be addressed in London and I’m already behind a few hours timezone wise. I’ll usually check in with the audience.io UK team on Slack to make sure everyone is okay and nobody’s laptop has caught on fire.

How soon do you check your phone in the morning?

It’s unfortunate that I have to check my phone first thing in the morning to see the time and use it for meditation. I’m currently working on a solution to this problem; stay tuned!

What are your most important tasks in the morning?

Brushing my teeth and stretching my body.

What and when is your first drink in the morning?

A glass of room temperature water (usually the one on my nightstand) right after I brush my teeth.

On days you’re not settled in your home, are you able to adapt your routine to fit in with a different environment?

I don’t really have a home in the four walls, so I make sure to have a morning routine that can be done from anywhere as long as I have a bed, my iPhone, my toothbrush, and some fresh water.

What do you do if you fail to follow your morning routine, and how does this influence the rest of your day?

I go with the flow; drink an extra cup of coffee, practice my handstand, and make a mental note to do better the next day.

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