“After bathing I dress while listening to more music – typically Broadway show tunes or a choral piece. Singing paired with coffee is the perfect morning cocktail.” – Natalie Bidnick Share this quote on Twitter

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Natalie Bidnick

What is your morning routine?

My day begins at 6:30am with a song from my iPhone. As a classical singer in my spare time, I simply can’t wake up without music; an alarm buzzer would send me straight to the snooze button.

After turning off my alarm, I hop out of bed and wake up my boxer, Scarlett. She’s a sound sleeper and not a morning “person.” Once she’s up, I grab her leash and we scoot outside for a brisk morning walk. If it’s a nice day, we’ll take a leisurely stroll around our grassy neighborhood, but on rainy mornings it’s more of a mad dash until she does her “business.” Then it’s back inside for her breakfast.

While Scarlett’s chowing down, I start my Keurig (it’s quick and beyond effortless). I stir cream in my French Roast and then head to the shower.

After bathing I dress while listening to more music – typically Broadway show tunes or a choral piece. Singing paired with coffee is the perfect morning cocktail.

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Once dressed, I get Scarlett settled into her bed for the day. She hangs out while listening to my music (it stays on to keep her “company” during the day). I try and leave the house by 7:45am, since traffic in my city of Austin, Texas, can be heavy and unpredictable. I like to tune to the local NPR station to catch the day’s news and then connect my iPhone to my car stereo to play my commuting playlist through Spotify. My playlist includes a mix of Broadway, eighties hits, and a few dance tracks to keep me energized.

By 8:30am I’m pulling into my company’s downtown parking garage and I’m ready to start my workday! I slip into my office, prep a new cup of coffee and hop on email and social media sites to get a feel for the day ahead.

How long have you stuck with this routine so far?

I’ve done this routine almost every day for the past seven years. The only thing that varies is my waking time, depending on where I’m living and my commute.

What time do you go to sleep?

I’m terrible at going to sleep on time. I typically aim for “before midnight,” but some nights it’s not until 2:00am… or later. Austin is a fun town, and there’s an endless array of activities to do.

Do you use an alarm to wake you up in the morning, and if so do you ever hit the snooze button?

I use my iPhone and typically only hit snooze once. It really depends on when I go to bed.

How soon after waking up do you have breakfast, and what do you typically have?

I have breakfast about two hours before waking, in my office. Typically I choose cereal or a piece of fruit, although on weekends it’s eggs benedict.

Do you have a morning workout routine?

Beyond walking my dog in the morning, I focus my lunch hour and after-work time on exercise or getting outside. I take a daily walk (ninety minutes twice a week and at least twenty minutes daily).

How about morning meditation?

Meditation makes me too relaxed and tired for the morning.

Do you see to email first thing in the morning or leave it until later in the day?

Sometimes I’ll check my email via my iPhone while my coffee brews, but typically I try and save it for the work day.

How soon do you check your phone in the morning, either for calls/messages or social media and news?

I’ll check my phone as soon as I rise to turn off my alarm and look for missed messages. I might look at Twitter or Instagram while my coffee brews.

What are your most important tasks in the morning?

My number one priority is taking my dog out. That can never go by the wayside, since she’s indoors during the day. Next would be my morning coffee.

What and when is your first drink in the morning?

I try and gulp down a few ounces of water, and then it’s coffee all the way.

On days you’re not settled in your home, are you able to adapt your routine to fit in with a different environment?

My morning routine is about forty minutes faster when travelling since my dog isn’t with me. But I enjoy starting my morning with her.

What do you do if you fail to follow your routine, and how does this influence the rest of your day?

​If I don’t get my coffee, my commute to work can seem endless. And if my dog doesn’t get a walk in the morning, she’s a bit stir crazy by the end of the day.

If I wake up late and can’t listen to music, it’s much harder to be energized and productive once I get to work.

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