It took a long time for me to gather the courage, discipline, and commitment to follow a routine like that, but I find it to be such a game changer.
I used to struggle to get up in the mornings, mostly because my mind associated early-rising with duty, school, obligation, conveyer-belt careers, and all the things that didn’t excite me the slightest. I purposely engineered my life so that I didn’t have any obligation to get up early - and I loved it, until I got a strong message to change a few months ago. I did and I never looked back.
I realised that waking up early in the morning sends out a very important message to myself and, without sounding too wacko, to the universe: “Hey, here I am, awake, aware, sharp, and ready with the first morning light”. I find that being conscious and awake early in the morning gives enormous power, strength, clarity, vitality, centered-awareness, and focus that evening time just cannot provide.
The more I’ve been doing this routine the more I realise that the renaissance of early mornings is not just an accident. It is a social phenomenon that brings forth within it a new age of individual self-expression. Let me explain: Socially, people used to do things they love in the evenings and at night, because most of us had conveyer-belt day-jobs and duties in the mornings that were obligatory and just had to be done.
It is pretty obvious that at least here, in the West, with the help of the technological developments and the rise of entrepreneurship, we are coming away from the industrial and post-industrial era where people’s individual dreams were crushed, oppressed, and pushed into the dark hours of the night time. Most of us now have full freedom and the capability to express our individual purpose, be creative, and embody our dreams into being. How lucky!
We no longer need nighttime to come out of our closets and be ourselves, we have a freedom and an enormous power of mornings to do what we love and make a statement to ourselves and the world. What a powerful transformation it is!